We work with clients to customize the best approach.
At Dovetailing, we leverage our experience and relationships to add value for our customers. Many projects draw on the broad experience of Dovetailing consultants to make connections across the fields of philanthropy, education, health, and early childhood development and across the different streams of work necessary to achieve the vision of organizations and collaborative ventures.
A Case for Environmental Health
A group of environmental health funders and advocates engaged Dovetailing to research environmental, health, and social justice perceptions to inform messages for funders and advocates in related fields.
Washington Preschool Program
We researched and analyzed best practices locally, and in other states to inform deliberations in the technical work group. In addition, we planned conversations and crafted the Legislative report.
Strengthening Parenting Education in the Metro Portland Area
Dovetailing engaged a group of public and private funders to explore how to support parenting education in the metro Portland area.
Advancing Statewide Leadership
A long-standing member organization with regional "affiliates sought to consider how the organization could be re-positioned to advance its leadership among other early childhood organizations.
Public Private Partnerships
Over the past ten years advocacy for increased investment in early learning has grown in the State of Washington and across the country. This coupled with historic under-investment has resulted in the need to increase program, advocacy and fund development capacity and to connect the disparate efforts of players at the local, regional and state levels.
State Early Learning Governance
Dovetailing worked with The BUILD Initiative to help individual states develop and refine early learning system governance models based on best practices.
Ready & Successful Schools Action Plan
Dovetailing worked with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to convene the Ready and Successful Schools Work Group.
“It's not what you gather but what you scatter that tells you what kind of life you have lived.”
— Helen Walton