Advancing Statewide Leadership
A long-standing member organization with regional "affiliates sought to consider how the organization could be re-positioned to advance its leadership among other early childhood organizations.
The board started this endeavor at a time of considerable change in the business environment and while carrying out a major statewide project with the support of one funder. Adjustments to organizational direction were difficult given the scale of this large project and the need to increasingly diversify work streams and funding sources. Additionally, staff positions also needed to be streamlined and re-designed to position the organization differently.
Dovetailing conducted a multi-pronged business redesign project with the board and executive staff. We conducted strategic planning activities such as the development of SWOT Analyses, Theory of Action articulation, an Organizational Capacity Assessment, individual leadership assessments, desk audits and revised position descriptions. To understand the external environment, we worked with staff to create and deploy surveys and key informant interview protocols of association members, affiliate leaders and organizational partners to identify changes to the organizational culture, functions and position.
This project resulted in a revised positioning of the organization in the new early learning environment. Products included a new business plan with companion marketing and communication and technology plans as well as a new organizational staffing structure and offering to members.
Download the Association for the Education of Young Children Structure PDF.