Sparking Innovation
Dovetailing walks beside public, private, and non-profit organizations as they plan, organize, and implement innovative strategies to improve their effectiveness. From strategic and policy planning to organizational development, we develop unique blueprints to best meet our clients’ needs.
A few tools that might be useful.
Theory of Change Template
Funders, system designers and program staff can easily lead themselves through the process of creating a Theory of Change that uncovers what they think it will take to achieve their desired outcomes. Download a template to create your own.
Conversation Tips
Facilitating group conversations and braiding insights and perspectives can be tricky. Download these brief tips and ideas of "re-framing" questions to help you stay on track.
List of Covid Resources for Organizations and Families
This list of resources may be useful for organizations in your network. Like many things done quickly, the application processes are bumpy, so be prepared. If you know of additional useful resources, please let us know.